Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Excaliber City!

Many of you have probably heard about the famed Excaliber City, that Ray, Ben, and I came upon while driving from Vienna to Prague. Last night, we all visited a few bars, and I brought it up to see if some of the local Germans had ever heard of it. I couldn't quite remember the name, so I googled it, and THANK GOD...I found it. It was described as a "tax free mini Las Vegas". I'm thinking I should insist that we all go and visit it in all of it's Glory! Ray didn't want to go last time....but now I need to make it my first priority to visit it!!!!!!!!


Alias said...

Looks classy. Let us know what comes of this thread.

Shari Bac said...

It looks like a medieval lego set!

Amanda said...

That just might be the tackiest looking place I've ever seen! You'd better post some shots of the inside if you get to go!

Ha, I have to put in "khmlkof" for the word verification. That almost sounds German!

Ray said...

Long live Exalibur and the Kitty Chocolate Bars! After all the high class places we stayed in Europe, I couldn't bare to expose you to the horrids of an imitation Las Vegas like Excalibur. It was beneath us :) Just take a video camera when you visit this time.