Monday, September 29, 2008

Mondays aren't always so bad.

My hostmom and host sister are downstairs in the kitchen together singing, but I'm not sure what it is. It's pretty cute, I have to say.
Yesterday was better though. I went out with my hostfamily again, but we went by car. We went to Walhalla, which is a neoclassical piece of architecture on the Donau, which was modeled after one of the Greek pantheons... I think there were more than one anyway :) I was really excited about this, since I had studied about it last semester. I'm going to have to take the pictures to my prof when I get home. Isabella and Fabian were not too excited about this though..apparently they go all they time with school. I can't remember what it was that Renate was asking him, but Fabian just repeating ,"no", over and over. He wasn't insolent about it though..just a typical 12 year old! It was funny though. It was a really gorgeous day, so there were a lot of people outside, sitting on the steps. It seemed to be a pretty popular meeting place. Not a lot of people actually inside though, I guess, as you have to pay. I really enjoyed going inside. There are a bunch of busts of famous artists of Germany...composers, writers, inventors, poets, painters, kings, etc..It was really pretty inside.
After that we went to this Nepali Buddhist temple that was a short drive from Walhalla. Today was the last day of the season for it to be open, so there were quite a few people there. It was gorgeous, but I had a hard time believing I was still in Germany. Apparently the temple originated in Nepal, was deconstructed and brought to some other city in Germany, and then bought by a guy who lived in this area, and then reconstructed. I have no idea how they would even do that with something so large. There was also a zen garden complete with Bonsai trees. It was really peaceful, and I really enjoyed it. We all had a really good time there, and I'm glad I got to go with them. They had a pond full of koi, and I explained to them how one of my friends is deathly afraid of fish...actually, I got a little worried too, because they had stones to cross the pond with, and it made me a bit anxious. The rocks were kind of slick..There were lots of really gorgeous Buddhist statues as well. The whole family spent a few minutes trying to get the hand gesture, and there was a bit of arguing, but it was all in good fun. The hands of the statue actually looked a bit odd and out of proportion, so that was probably the biggest culprit. It was a really nice day, over all, and I think we all really had fun, despite what Fabian might say!


bagofcorn said...

awww, your family looks cute! the son looks a lot older than sam though!
Wow, the temple looks just like all the images from kathmandu i used to file in the slide library! And looks a bit like some of the temples in Sri Lanka!

bagofcorn said...

you should go to weimar while you're over there. it was the culture city of europe when i was in high school

Amanda said...

Yay! You changed the title! I'm impressed that you were able to explain your friend's fear of fish in German. I don't think I could explain it in English! :)

Shari Bac said...

Now that looks like a lot of fun, hanging out with the family. The view from the top of the steps was amazing! I LOVE the picture with the 3 shafts of light shining on the 3 busts....