Monday, October 27, 2008

Still trying to fill in the blanks...

It's getting to be that time of year, folks. Midterms. Luckily they are a bit spaced out, for me anyway. Last week, I gave a 10 minute presentation, in German of course, over a 1920s German playwright, Bertolt Brecht. I think I did pretty well, but I haven't gotten a grade back on it. Then, that evening, I was able to go to his musical, Der Dreigroshenoper , The Three Penny Opera, with my host parents. It has been a bit reinterpreted for the times, aside from the dialog, so that was actually difficult given it was language from the 1920s, and they were singing. So I didn't understand a lot of what was being said, but I could understand enough from the action of the play. I really enjoyed it, but the rest of my class went to see it on Thursday, and I don't think any of them really did. I thought it was really cool, but a bit risque.
On Wednesday, we took two tours of Regensburg, but honestly, I wasn't really that into them. I'm not sure why...Allison and I went to this delicious Italian restaurant during our lunch break though, and that was great! It was great to having something other than brats and schnitzel.
On Thursday, we had an oral test with our conversation prof, which, of course, was a conversation. We had to come up with a topic to talk about. Since I had already talked about Bertolt Brecht, I figured I'd reuse it, and I could talk about the play that I had gotten to see. I got a 100% on this, so hopefully I did almost as good on the other speech..

1 comment:

bagofcorn said...

good job! so what exactly is Dreigrosschenoper about?